September 13

Seems to me that the biggest event of the past week was the gathering up and harvest of the pumpkin and squash crops. It is great fun for the first few days….lots of  thrashing around the field with the crew filling 15- and 22-bushel bins, and the coming and going of tractors and trucks in the field and back and forth to the farm. Again, this project has to be accomplished in between the daily harvest of vegetables for the accounts and farm stand. Days still are long, 12 hours at least….but the problem is that the diminishing daylight in the evening and lack of sunlight early in the AM have made everyone realize that frost could be right around the corner.  Still, it’s great that we can look back at the day’s end and actually see what has been accomplished.

This week we will definitely finish up digging potatoes.  I have been seeding down winter cover crops as land becomes available, although there is still much weeding and cultivating of small fruit and fall vegetable crops like turnips, cabbage and broccoli, lettuce and greens, which I am not sure we are going to be able to get to. Meanwhile, the harvest of fall raspberries is in full swing (great time to u-pick if you want-call the stand @ 298-5764) as well as we are picking tomatoes, green beans and corn as well as the greens. People this year seem to be  processing for the winter more than we have seen in recent years.

For the box CSA membership, we want to alert you that in your final three deliveries you will see potatoes,winter squash, some cabbage and the root vegetables-turnips, celeriac, carrots, beets, and rutabagas. These are all vegetables that can be used immediately if you so choose, but if stored in a cool dry place they should last until after Thanksgiving. Khally will enclose directions for use and for storage in your boxes when you get them.